Vice & Narcotics Investigations
This three-day course will carefully examine several key factors Vice and Narcotics detectives face during routine investigations.
- The key elements of development, management and proficient handling of informants are essential to avoiding potential legal exposure.
- Human trafficking and prostitution are on the rise in Virginia. Understanding the intricate operations of these organizations, identifying possible nefarious crimes, and methods and techniques to prepare for and combat them will be addressed.
- Asian Massage Parlors have increased in numbers in areas of Virginia. Learn more about them, what potential criminal issues surround many of them and learn how these seemingly benign, but often criminal, businesses are being investigated and prosecuted successfully.
- During this course, several in-depth, case study presentations will be delivered.
- Special Agent, Jeremy Scheetz, will discuss the impact of outlaw motorcycle gangs on drug trafficking in Virginia.
- Surveillance Techniques
- Prosecution of OD deaths
- Medical Examiner's procedures and toxicology request
- Uncover operations dealing with narcotics, guns, and murder for hire
- Legal updates pertaining to narcotics cases and 4th amendment
Course Availability
July 8, 2025 - July 10, 2025 30 Seats Left
Portsmouth Police Academy Portsmouth, VA